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Year of Registration


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Annual income

US$ 1.08 billion

Category of SGO




A Founding Father of the Social Good Sphere, BRAC Founder and CEO, Sir Fazle, Continues to Think Bold.

"The Idea Behind BRAC is to Change Systems of Inequity"

By The [.] Newsroom From thedotgood's Editorial Desk
January 30, 2018
thedotgood's take
What's so special with that SGO.
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Since 2013, BRAC has retained the number one position for the size of its impact resulting out of its programs and initiatives being implemented across 43 countries. BRAC has also significantly increased its work in partnership with governments and local and global organisations, emerging as a strong leader in forming a humanitarian-development nexus to better manage the Rohingya refugee crisis. In addition, BRAC’s financial model has allowed it to continue to scale up operations amongst a changing donor landscape, having a positive impact on its ‘Diversity of Revenue Streams’ and ‘Sustainability’ ratings at thedotgood [formerly NGO Advisor].

Pragmatic, adaptive, BRAC can now play any game, whether using for-profit or nonprofit approaches, to face and challenge systems of inequity.

From the perspective of our ranking 185 criteria covering our three main pillars of interest – impact, innovation and sustainability – BRAC...

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Since 2013, BRAC has retained the number one position for the size of its impact resulting out of its programs and initiatives being implemented across 43 countries. BRAC has also significantly increased its work in partnership with governments and local and global organisations, emerging as a strong leader in forming a humanitarian-development nexus to better manage the Rohingya refugee crisis. In addition, BRAC’s financial model has allowed it to continue to scale up operations amongst a changing donor landscape, having a positive impact on its ‘Diversity of Revenue Streams’ and ‘Sustainability’ ratings at thedotgood [formerly NGO Advisor].

Pragmatic, adaptive, BRAC can now play any game, whether using for-profit or nonprofit approaches, to face and challenge systems of inequity.

From the perspective of our ranking 185 criteria covering our three main pillars of interest – impact, innovation and sustainability – BRAC ticks every box with extra scoring this year due to clarity of its strategic vision for the next five years and its willingness to expand its international outreach. A member of the era-defining 1970s wave of Bangladeshi microcredit and microfinance pioneers, alongside the Grameen Bank and ASA, BRAC has since gone on to outpace its old counterparts and assume an unparalleled position in the crowded field of international development.

While still involved in the microfinance space, the organization has carefully, but steadily, diversified into a wide suite of activities, from agriculture and food security to education, legal aid, climate change risk reduction, livelihoods support and maternal and child health. Rather than spreading BRAC’s resources too thin, this strategy has instead remained faithful to founder Sir Fazle Hasan Abed’s vision of a holistic, sustainable approach to poverty reduction. Indeed, BRAC is in a unique position to use its microfinance base as a social platform to deliver innovative scaled up services aligned to a principled, rights-based philosophy.

As we noted last year, BRAC is in many ways a microcosm of the entire international development sector in one organization, albeit gaining in independence from donor influence each year as it covers almost 80 percent of its $684 million income through a burgeoning portfolio of catalytic social enterprises – a clear trend positioning the organization in an enviable position of financial and programmatic sustainability.

Yet rather than taking this as a cue to rest on its laurels, BRAC has at the same time used its considerable resources and in-house human capital to build an expansive and dedicated monitoring and evaluation apparatus, with positive flow on effects for the entire Global Social Sphere.

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Mission statement
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BRAC’s vision is a world free from all forms of exploitation and discrimination, where everyone has the opportunity to realize their potential. Its mission is to empower people and communities in situations of poverty, illiteracy, disease and social injustice. We act as a catalyst, creating opportunities for people living in poverty to realize their potential. We specialize in piloting, perfecting and scaling innovations that impact the lives of approximately 100 million people around the globe. 

BRAC believes poverty and its underlying causes are multifaceted and interlinked. To address poverty in all its forms, BRAC operates social development programs, including education, health care, financial inclusion, youth empowerment, and more; humanitarian programs; social enterprises; socially-responsible investments; banks; and a university. Gender equality and climate-smart approaches are themes that crosscutting all of its efforts.

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BRAC’s vision is a world free from all forms of exploitation and discrimination, where everyone has the opportunity to realize their potential. Its mission is to empower people and communities in situations of poverty, illiteracy, disease and social injustice. We act as a catalyst, creating opportunities for people living in poverty to realize their potential. We specialize in piloting, perfecting and scaling innovations that impact the lives of approximately 100 million people around the globe. 

BRAC believes poverty and its underlying causes are multifaceted and interlinked. To address poverty in all its forms, BRAC operates social development programs, including education, health care, financial inclusion, youth empowerment, and more; humanitarian programs; social enterprises; socially-responsible investments; banks; and a university. Gender equality and climate-smart approaches are themes that crosscutting all of its efforts.

The values of BRAC are innovation, integrity, inclusiveness and effectiveness.

  • Innovation: BRAC has been an innovator in creating opportunities for people to lift themselves out of poverty. It values creativity in program design and strives to display global leadership in developing groundbreaking approaches to addressing poverty.
  • Integrity: BRAC values transparency and accountability in all its professional work, with clear policies and procedures, while displaying the utmost level of honesty and transparency in its financial dealings.
  • Inclusiveness: BRAC is committed to engaging, supporting and recognizing the value of all members of society, regardless of race, religion, gender, nationality, ethnicity, age, physical or mental ability, socioeconomic status and geography.
  • Effectiveness: BRAC values efficiency and excellence in all its work, constantly challenging itself to perform better, to meet and exceed program targets, and to improve and deepen the impact of our interventions.

To ensure that BRAC is always learning and that its work remains relevant, it employs rigorous training, research, and monitoring systems across all its activities, and financial checks and balances in the form of audits. As a knowledge and research center, BRAC University has opened its doors to the public in an effort to develop capacity nationally and internationally in Bangladesh and beyond.

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US$ 1.08 billion
Previous Annual Income
USD 0.92 billion
Latest Surplus/Deficit
US$ 204.63 million
Latest Net Assets
USD 1.56 billion
Name of Auditing Firm

Deloitte | BRAC - Bangladesh
KPMG | BRAC International - The Netherlands

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Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Liberia, Myanmar, Nepal, The Philippines, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda


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Asif Saleh
Has Held position since
Board Gender balance
BRAC Global: 50% M, 50% F | BRAC Bangladesh: 56% M, 44% F | BRAC International: 37% M, 63% F | BRAC USA: 57% M, 43% F | BRAC UK: 43% M, 57% F
Number of Employees
Number of Volunteers


Our journey began in 1972 in the newly sovereign Bangladesh and, over the course of our evolution, we have played a part in the significant improvement of life for the poorest in Bangladesh and internationally.

Founded by Sir Fazle Hasan Abed in the wake of a devastating cyclone and independence war that ravaged Bangladesh, BRAC has since helped dramatically reduce under-five mortality, enroll hundreds of thousands in primary school, and improve gender equality worldwide. Notably, the organization played a significant role in helping Bangladesh achieve several of the Millennium Development Goals, a set of poverty indicators established in 2000 by the United Nations. Click here to watch a short film about our history over nearly the last five decades.

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Our journey began in 1972 in the newly sovereign Bangladesh and, over the course of our evolution, we have played a part in the significant improvement of life for the poorest in Bangladesh and internationally.

Founded by Sir Fazle Hasan Abed in the wake of a devastating cyclone and independence war that ravaged Bangladesh, BRAC has since helped dramatically reduce under-five mortality, enroll hundreds of thousands in primary school, and improve gender equality worldwide. Notably, the organization played a significant role in helping Bangladesh achieve several of the Millennium Development Goals, a set of poverty indicators established in 2000 by the United Nations. Click here to watch a short film about our history over nearly the last five decades.

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Legal Status
BRAC is accredited by NGO Affairs Bureau in Bangladesh; BRAC International is registered as a Stichting in the Netherlands; BRAC USA has 501(c)3 status in the US; BRAC UK is registered through Charity Commission in the UK.
Year of registration


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75 Mohakhali